Our Story

‘ Mrs. Pumphrey put down her book with a cry of delight. “Tricki! Tricki! Here is your Uncle Herriot.” ’

— If Only They Could Talk: James Herriot (Alf Wright) 1970

The Herriot Way

Veterinary Medicine has always been a caring profession. Why else did a certain Mr Wright (James Herriot) or Mr Sinclair (Siegfried Farnon), drag themselves from their beds in the dead of night, cross wind-swept North Yorkshire Moors 'just' to see a cow with milk fever?

We have moved forwards since then with new medicines and techniques, dedicated night teams and specialists. The caring nature of vets has never changed. Unfortunately, with the faster pace modern life has brought, we have become somewhat detached from the personal service that we were once known for. We all know it could be better.

Where are we now?

Different vets at every visit, not a familiar face in sight as well as different and sometimes conflicting information. These can make what could already be a stressful situation infinitely more frustrating .

Stressed and unhappy owners make stressed and unhappy vets. It is no wonder why so many members of the veterinary team leave the profession, leading to new people to pick up the pieces. With these new faces the problematic cycle continues.

But why does it have to be this way? Can we not marry both modern techniques and old-fashioned personal service?

I believe we can.

The Future

I founded Palace Vets on this idea, an idea that an independent veterinary practice can offer what many cannot - a convenient, personal and caring service. We provide vet house calls across London.

There are three people involved in every consult. The patient, the owner and the vet. Forming a honest and trusting relationship between us all is vital to providing the vet care at home that your pet deserves.

Who am I?

My Name is Guy Killick. I qualified from the University of Liverpool's School of Veterinary Science in 2016. I first went into mixed practice near the North Yorkshire Dales before leaving and returning to Skeldale, the practice where I first started my veterinary journey when I walked through its doors aged 16, where I eventually became a partner. After performing a world first surgery using tilapia fish skin, I decided to leave to further my training in small animal surgery.

I have been very lucky to have been trained by, and worked with, many "old-fashioned" vets who always put the animal and the owner first, an attitude that was branded into me. However still being the "Young Feller" I want to match this up with the modern convenience of vet home visits, so the barriers between your pet and the treatment they deserve, are as few as possible.

If you agree with me, get in touch below.